Advanced turbine care servicesall around the world


Wind Turbine Service

Advanced inspection and maintenance services are essential for efficient wind farm operations worldwide. Drones and machine learning provide precise and timely data on turbine health, enabling proactive maintenance and increased energy output while minimizing downtime. At Sumo Enery, we offer:
  • Autonomous Blade Inspections

  • Online Portal

  • Structural Inspections

  • Advanced Blade Inspections

  • Blade Optimization

  • Blade Repair


Blade Inspections

Sumo Energy conducts quick and detailed inspections of all 3 wind turbine blade sides in 18-25 mins. Data is available online within 3-5 days, with defects labeled and categorized. Regular inspections of wind turbine blades can aid in identifying and repairing early-stage damage, mitigating the risk of costly and significant damage.
  • Onshore |
  • Offshore |
  • Insource Inspections
Autonomous Blade Inspections
Online Portal
Sumo Energy offers a visual data management solution that efficiently manages exterior and interior blade, tower, and offshore foundation data. You can edit, annotate, and collaborate with colleagues inside and outside your organization. Our cloud-based platform ensures secure and energy-efficient data handling, with fast response times and continual optimization.
Online Portal

        <span class="text-white">Ready to </span>
        <span class="text-yellow-600 font-extrabold">cooperate and solve </span>
        <br class="md:block lg:hidden" />
        <span class="text-white">your problem?</span>

Ready to cooperate and solve
your problem?

Structural Inspections

Advanced Blade Inspections
We comprehensively combine autonomous drones and hands-on inspections to assess blades using robots and LPS measuring systems.
  • Internal |
  • LPS Testing |
  • Uptower |
  • Specialist
Autonomous Blade Inspections
Blade Optimization
Sumo Energy evaluates blade health and offers maintenance and improvement suggestions. Our repair campaigns maintain structural integrity and aerodynamic profiles to maximize energy yield. We alter the settings for pitch and yaw, keep the blade surfaces, and improve aerodynamics by incorporating vortex generators and other improvements.
  • Vortex Generators |
  • Material Development
Online Portal

Blade Repair

Sumo Energy ensures the repairing blade meets the required structural and aerodynamic specifications so that it helps businesses maintain the efficiency and longevity of wind turbines.
Visual inspection Damage assessment Planning Repair assessment Quality control